Buenos días! Que bien que ya ha llegado el viernes, verdad? Esta semana la terminamos con un DIY chulísimo! Cansados de los vasos de papel todos iguales?? Pues gracias a esta idea podemos personalizarlos dependiendo del tipo de fiesta, del color predominante, etc... Es muy fácil; sólo hay que coger vasos blancos y estampar sobre ellos los motivos que queramos (incluso podemos hacer nuestros propios tampones con patata :)) Aquí el tutorial completo.
Feliz fin de semana!
Good morning! To end this week a very cool DIY! With this idea we can customize paper cups depending on the type of party, the predominant color, etc ... It's easy, you just have to get cups and stamp on them anything you want (you can even make your own potato tampons :)) Here the complete tutorial.
Happy weekend!
Feliz fin de semana!
Good morning! To end this week a very cool DIY! With this idea we can customize paper cups depending on the type of party, the predominant color, etc ... It's easy, you just have to get cups and stamp on them anything you want (you can even make your own potato tampons :)) Here the complete tutorial.
Happy weekend!
que buena idea! Me encanta!